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New Hampshire Literary Hall of Fame

Information about the New Hampshire Literary Hall of Fame and honorees.

Grace Metalious

Still from the movie adaptation with the words Peyton Place across the screen

Grace Metalious is best known for writing the best selling book, "Peyton Place" which was the basis for TV and movie adaptations.

Works by Grace Metalious

Open the pdf below for a list of works by Grace Metalious that was compiled by the Center for the Book at the NH State Library.

Books by Grace Metalious Available at Shapiro Library (selected)

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Books About Grace Metalious (selected)

Articles About Grace Metalious / Peyton Place (selected)

Creadick, A. G. (2009). The Erasure of Grace: Reconnecting Peyton Place to its Author. Mosaic : A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, 42(4), 165-180. 

Gault, C. (2006). Grace Metalious' Peyton Place: Sentimental Storm-Trooper or Popular Throw-Back?. Journal of Popular Culture, 39(6), 958-1001.

Toth, E. (1981). Fatherless and Dispossessed: Grace Metalious as a French-Canadian Writer. Journal of Popular Culture, 15(3), 28.

Sorrell, R. S. (1982). Novelists and Ethnicity: Jack Kerouac and Grace Metalious as Franco-Americans. MELUS, 9 (1, Varieties of Ethnic Criticism), 37-52.  

Stacey, S. A. (2006). Toxic Togetherness in a Postwar "Potboiler": Grace Metalious's Peyton Place. Americana : The Journal of American Popular Culture, 1900 to Present, 5(2). 

Dissertations About Grace Metalious / Peyton Place (selected)

Brier, E. (2005). Advertisements for Themselves: The 1950s American Novel and the Production of Belief (Order No. 3159205). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text.

Chung, N. (2008). Picturing American Women: Popular Culture Images of Postwar Womanhood in the United States (Order No. 3313431). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text.

Creadick, A. G. (2002). Keeping up Appearances: "Normality" in Postwar United States Culture, 1945--1963 (Order No. 3068549). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text.

Hirsh-Dickinson, S. (2007). Dirty Whites and Dark Secrets: Sex and Race in "Peyton Place" (Order No. 3290102). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. 

Biographies (selected)

DVD's Available at Shapiro Library