Troubleshooting Access to Library Resources
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Database & System Statuses
If you are having trouble accessing or using a library resource, please check the "Database & System Status" box below for the current status of library databases and systems. Statuses may include notification of scheduled maintenance events, alerts of known issues that have been reported, database or system outages, etc. Click on the name of a database or system in the box below to learn more.
You may also want to try clearing the cookies and cache in your browser. This action solves many of the error messages you may encounter.
The "Normal" folder contains a list of databases or systems which are functioning normally.
View the full Library Database and System Statuses page for additional information.
You may also want to visit the SNHU System Status page for information on whether other University services like Brightspace, mySNHU, email, etc. are currently experiencing issues.
- Last Updated: Sep 5, 2023 11:50 AM
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