Research Help
Finding & Using Videos in the Shapiro Library
The Shapiro Library includes nearly 50 databases that include video content. Documentaries, scientific animation, archival film, interviews, performances, news programs, newsreels, along with both foreign and popular film are included in the collections. View the sections below to learn more about locating, using, and citing our video databases.
Where can I find videos in the library databases?
You can find videos in several databases. Click on the A-Z Database List in the Quick Links box on the Library Home Page. Then click on “All Database Types” in the center box above the alphabet. In the dropdown menu, select databases with video or image content. The most commonly used video databases are listed below.
How do I search for videos in the Multi-Search?
You can search the Multi-Search for videos:
- Go to Multi-Search by using the Multi-Search link This link opens in a new window or from the library homepage by clicking the search button after entering a search term.
- Click " Videos" under “Source Type” button below the search box.
- Enter your search terms
- You can filter your results by selecting options in the "All filters" tab below the search box.
How do I use the video databases?
For the most part, the video databases operate like the other article & book databases. Specific directions are available via the Help feature in each database. Tutorials for the commonly used video databases are below:
Academic Video Online
Films on Demand
SAGE Video
How can I be sure to quote something from a video correctly?
How do I cite a video?
Most of the Shapiro Library video databases offer a citation option on the page where the video is accessed. Shapiro Library Citing Your Sources guide (in the Quick Links box on the library home page) also offers examples in 3 formats.
Citing videos in APA
Citing videos in MLA
- MLA Style guideCiting: Film & YouTube
Citing videos in Chicago
- Chicago Manual of Style Online This link opens in a new windowFilm & Television (Notes and Bibliography)
Citing videos using RefWorks
- RefWorks This link opens in a new windowRefWorks is an online bibliographic management system that allows users to create their own personal databases of references and format papers and bibliographies in a variety of styles, including APA and MLA. RefWorks is provided by Instructional Support to the SNHU community and can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection. PLEASE NOTE: Refworks is only available to SNHU students, faculty, and staff.
How To Change Citation Type In RefWorks This link opens in a new window in mySNHU OR see RefWorks YouTube Channel This link opens in a new window