Nursing Education Library Guide
Recommended Resources
RN-BSN Library Guide
- RN-BSN Library GuideUse this Library Research Guide to help locate evidence-based resources including articles, information on research appraisal, statistics, evidence translation, clinical practice tools, informatics and professional resources.
Recommended Reading - Nursing Education
- R2 Digital Library This link opens in a new windowProvides access to a collection of health science ebooks from multiple publishers
Recommended e-Books
Nursing and Health Interventions by Souraya Sidani; Carrie Jo Braden
Call Number: Available OnlineISBN: 9781119610120Publication Date: 2021Nursing and Health Interventions covers the conceptual, empirical, and practical knowledge required for engaging in intervention research. This revised edition provides step-by-step guidance on the complex process of intervention development and methods for developing, delivering, evaluating and implementing intervention, supported by a wealth of examples. The text describes each essential aspect of intervention research, from generating an intervention theory, to procedures for adopting evidence-based interventions in practice. This second edition provides up-to-date coverage of intervention research and its impact on improving standards of care. Throughout the text, readers are provided with the foundational knowledge required for generating evidence that informs treatment decisions in practice, and choosing the best approaches for designing, delivering, evaluating and implementing interventions. A valuable 'one-stop' resource for students, researchers, and health professionals alike, this book: Covers the importance and issues of evidence-based healthcare practice, the role of theory in research in the intervention design and evaluation, and evaluation of effectiveness and implementation of interventions in a single volume Reviews the decision-making steps and the knowledge needed to inform decisions in research and practice Discusses the limitations of evidence derived from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) Written by leading experts in the field, Nursing and Health Interventions remains an invaluable resource for nursing and healthcare students, researchers, and health practitioners wanting to understand and apply intervention to improve the quality of care.Statistics for Evidence-Based Practice by MyoungJin Kim; Caroline Mallory; Teresa Valerio
Call Number: Available OnlineISBN: 9781284194678Publication Date: 2020Statistics for Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing, Third Edition promotes a comprehensive understanding of statistics in all aspects of clinical practice and health care settings. This text has been thoughtfully designed to meet the learning needs of practicing nurses and advanced practice nursing students to help them engage in evidence-based practice. Praised for its readability, the Third Edition teaches students to interpret and evaluate statistical findings in practice. The Third Edition is written with clarity and accessibility in mind, helping drive student comprehension of statistics. Expanded datasets allow for learners to take on more complex practice problems, readying them for real-world application. In addition to featuring the latest SPSS procedures, the new edition presents further instruction using Excel. Readers will appreciate updated case studies, the inclusion of evidence-based practice applications of statistics, and critical thinking questions. New to the Third Edition:- New evidence-based case studies reflect current practices and issues in nursing- New critical thinking questions and self-quizzes reinforce key concepts- Complex datasets simulate working with large populations- Updated screenshots from SPSS and Excel procedures
British Healthcare System
- At Breaking Point or Already Broken? The National Health Service in the United Kingdom-article
Perspective article by medical professionals on concerns and shortcomings of the NHS.
- British National Health Service Website
The NHS is working hard to improve opportunities for patients to make choices about their care.
- A Comparative Analysis of the US and UK Health Care Systems
For the first time in 20 years of polling by Gallup, less than half of Americans considered the quality of healthcare in the US to be excellent/good in 2021. As for the UK in 2021, the King’s Fund measured the largest decline in the overall satisfaction rate with the National Health Service (the nationwide healthcare system in the UK) since the 90s. Given bed shortages, staff shortages, overwhelmed ER departments, and a general lack of adequate infrastructure afflicted both the US and the UK, an analysis of these healthcare systems during the pandemic would demonstrate what many headlines have already pointed out: neither country was as prepared as it should have been (The Economist, 2023).
- National Health Service-England
- Articles related to British and U.S. Healthcare systems
Education databases
- Education Full Text - EBSCO This link opens in a new windowAbstracting and indexing of 478 periodicals as far back as 1983 and full-text of 204 periodicals as far back as 1996 in the field of education.
- Educators Reference Complete - Gale This link opens in a new windowA collection of more than 1,100 periodicals and 200 reports, provides full text for titles in the Eric database and covers multiple levels of education.
- ERIC - EBSCO This link opens in a new windowContains citations and abstracts from education-related journals and document published by ERIC.
- SAGE Journals This link opens in a new windowThe SAGE Journals platform includes full text of scholarly journals from SAGE publications in many disciplines, such as, education, sociology, women's studies, criminal justice and business.