MBA 550 - Leading in an Organization
This guide is intended to help you identify and locate scholarly and non-scholarly resources (books, articles, open web resources, etc.) for MBA 550. On this guide you'll also find info. on library services, research tips, career info., etc
Finding Research
The Shapiro Library subscribes to numerous databases filled with scholarly and industry research, statistics, journals, articles, and eBooks from respected publications. The following is a list of some of the best databases for doing research and finding insightful research about leading in an organization.
Click on Effective Search Techniques to learn more about conducting successful research.
- ABI/INFORM Collection - ProQuest This link opens in a new windowUse this database to find journals, magazines, and cases about leadership, management, motivation, conflict management and organizational culture theories, frameworks, tools, and best practices.
- Business Source Ultimate - EBSCO This link opens in a new windowSearch this database to find journals, magazines, newspapers, and company reports in a variety of business disciplines, leadership, management, motivation, conflict management and organizational culture theories, frameworks, tools, and best practices.
- Emerald Insight This link opens in a new windowDiscover leadership, management, conflict management, and organizational culture case studies, journals, and books.
- Ebook Central - ProQuest This link opens in a new windowEbook Central offers titles from hundreds of trusted publishers on one modern, intuitive platform Its intuitive, mobile-optimized design lets researchers get “anytime access” to the content they need – from a single chapter to an entire book. Previously called "Ebrary Ebooks"
- eBook Collection - EBSCO This link opens in a new windowAccess to full-text e-books in the fields of education, psychology, biology & life sciences, business, economics & management and general social sciences plus numerous e-books in the public domain. Read this FAQ to learn how to download an ebook from EBSCO. EBSCO recommends Firefox when accessing this database. If you use Safari, please use Safari 11. If you are using a IOS device, please have either IOS 9 or 11 installed as there have been reports of issues with IOS 10.