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Evaluating Sources

This Library Research Guide will provide you with information that you can use to critically evaluate sources including websites, articles and reports, books and ebooks, etc.

Source Evaluation Rubric

This rubric can help you determine if a source is a "good" source; one that is reliable to use in your research or paper. It can help you weed out "bad" sources and defend your "good" sources to your instructor.


How to use this Rubric:

  1. Enter information about the source at the top of the page, i.e. title, url, author, dates
  2. For each line, starting with Credentials, read each box from left to right and choose the one that matches your source the best
  3. Enter the column number, 1-3, that corresponds to the box that matches your source the best at the end of each row
  4. Once every line has a number, tally the numbers in the right hand column and write the score at the bottom of the page

The score you tally is out of 12 total points. You must determine what is the lowest score you will accept. An acceptable score for a source to be used in a research paper for college is between 10 to 12.

CCOW Evaluation Rubric
  0 Points 1 Point 2 Points 3 Points Score
  • No author
  • No publisher or organization
  • Many grammatical or spelling errors
  • Author or organization listed
  • No author credentials
  • No organization details
  • No publisher listed
  • Some grammatical or spelling errors
  • Author or organization listed with credentials/details
  • Publisher listed
  • Few grammatical or spelling errors
  • Expert author or well-known organization in the subject being discussed
  • Credentials/details listed
  • Well-known publisher
  • No grammatical/spelling errors
  • No date
  • No bibliography, quotes from authors, or links to other sources
  • Information disagrees with most other sources or is inaccurate
  • Date shown but it’s more than 10 years old
  • References are from more than 10 years ago
  • Quotes are included but there’s no bibliography
  • Links to sources are included but many/all are broken
  • Date shown and it’s 5-10 years old
  • References are 5-10 years old
  • Mix of bibliography, quotes, and links to sources
  • Information mostly matches other sources or provides an opposing viewpoint for my topic
  • Recent date
  • References are also recent
  • Bibliography, quotes from authors, and/or links to original sources are included
  • Information matches other sources or is accurate
  • Objective is to mislead or lie
  • Objective is unclear or one-sided
  • Objective is sell a product, make you click links, or satire
  • Objective is one-sided but not overly opinionated
  • Objective looks at two sides of an issue but is opinionated
  • Objective is to inform or broaden education
  • Objective is clear
  • For Humanities resources, looks at multiple sides of the issue
  • Language/tone indicate intention is to persuade, mislead, or push an agenda
  • Uses manipulative language
  • More opinion than fact
  • Only presents one side of the issue
  • Uses manipulative language
  • Some facts included
  • Attempts to present more than one side of the issue
  • Language/tone are mostly balanced
  • Mostly factual
  • Agenda can be clearly identified and shares accurate/objective information
  • For Humanities resources, includes more than one side of the issue
  • Language/tone aren’t manipulative
        Total score:  

Creative Commons License "CCOW Rubric" This link opens in a new window is licensed underThis link opens in a new window CC BY 4.0 This link opens in a new window  A derivative by Deborah Moore, This link opens in a new windowHighline College Library from the original work This link opens in a new window