Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
This guide will help you identify and locate scholarly and non-scholarly resources (books, articles, etc.) on Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility.
A Note About Websites… Evaluate Your Sources!
It is especially important that you evaluate any web resources you use (such as websites, blogs, wikis, etc.) because there is no editorial process for the open web, and anyone can post anything online. When evaluating web resources, it is important to pay attention to details.
First, ask yourself: How did you find the website?
- Did a professor or another reliable source recommend it?
- Was it cited in a scholarly or credible source?
- Was it a link from a reputable website?
- Did you find it by using a search engine like Google?
For tips on using Google effectively and evaluating websites critically, check out these guides:
Read on for recommended websites compiled by a librarian on business ethics and corporate social responsibility.
Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
- Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) This link opens in a new windowNetwork of over 300 company members working to "build a just and sustainable world."
- Ethics Resource Center Global Business Ethics Surveys This link opens in a new windowLink to ERC research page containing the most recent Global Business Ethics Survey (formerly the National Business Ethics Survey (NBES).) "Released four times per year, GBES is the world’s most comprehensive, cross-cultural survey of workplace behavior."
- Business & Human Rights Resource Centre This link opens in a new windowAn independent non-profit organization that contains news and reports of the social and environmental impact of over 6000 companies in over 180 countries. Topics covered include discrimination, environment, development & poverty, health, security, and investment, trade, globalization.
- Corpwatch This link opens in a new windowA non-profit organization created to "expose corporate malfeasance and to advocate for multinational corporate accountability and transparency."
- International Business Ethics Institute This link opens in a new windowNon-profit educational organization "devoted to helping organizations develop truly global ethics and integrity programs." The site contains a list of other business ethics organizations.
- Transparency International: the Global Coalition Against Corruption This link opens in a new windowA non-partisan movement with a presence in more than 100 countries whose members work to stop corruption and to initiate change.
Reports and Research
- OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises This link opens in a new windowThe OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are the most comprehensive set of government-backed recommendations on responsible business conduct in existence today.
- ILO Topics This link opens in a new windowInternational Labour Organization site with information on relevant topics, such as, Economic and social development, Multinational Enterprises (under Employment Promotion), and Collective Bargaining and labor relations and much more.