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Scholarly Communication and Publishing

This guide is designed for those wishing to publish their research.

Submitting to Publishers

Find the Submission Guidelines - Journal or Publisher website

When submitting to publishers, it's important to check each journal's requirements for submission guidelines. You can often find these on the individual journal's website, or the publisher's author portal.

Example: Business Horizons This link opens in a new window - look for a link to the Guide For Authors.

screenshot of business insider magazine

Major Journal Publishers - Author portals


It is important for authors to understand their rights in regard to their academic outputs before they sign contracts with publishers or publish in open access journals where authors will need to assign Creative Commons licenses to their work to ensure that others do use it in inequitable ways. Here are some resources to help begin to understand more about copyright.

Below you will find a one hour video with robust information on how to get published in an academic journal: