FYS-101 (Campus) Information Literacy Lessons 2023-24
Primary Source Report
What is the purpose of the Primary Source Report?
This assignment will help you pull together everything you’ve learned so far about your primary source, your Collection theme, and efforts to recognize, resist, or repair injustices associated with this theme to prepare for your team’s next steps.
*This is the MOST critical individual grade of your final project.
To do this assignment...
- Download the Primary Source Report document below.
- Review all the sources you found and evaluated from the information literacy lessons. NOTE: If after evaluating your sources they are not quite right, contact your instructor & plan to conduct new searches to find credible sources.
- Identify THREE quotations from at least TWO of those sources that best support your primary source's connection to your Collection's theme.
- Copy these three quotations accurately, followed by an "in-text" style MLA citation, in the left column of the assignment sheet.
- In the right column, paraphrase each quotation.
- Create an MLA Works Cited list of all your citations in alphabetical order by author's last name.
- Write a substantial, double-spaced paragraph that presents and analyzes the research you've done in the following format (as illustrated on the assignment):
- Topic sentence
- Transition sentence(s)
- Evidence
- Analysis
Once you complete the Primary Source Report, save it, and upload it to Brightspace.
*This assignment needs to be completed ON TIME so that when you meet with your group in class, you will be able to develop your Team Final Report which will be the basis of your Expert Panel Presentation.
A sample Primary Source Report is available to view below.
Team Final Report
What is the purpose of the Team Final Report?
The purpose of your Team Final Report is to prepare your team to become part of the information cycle and deliver a 15-minute Expert Panel Presentation, followed by Q&A.
In your Team Final Report, as a group, you will integrate the content of your Primary Source Reports to explain how your Collection's "hard history" theme is expressed in each of your historical primary sources. Then you will highlight any significant efforts to raise awareness of, resist, or repair the injustice of that "hard history." Finally, you will suggest remedies for the present-day implications of that "hard history."
To do this assignment...
- Download the Team Final Report Template below.
- In your own words, as a group, describe the “hard history” theme of your Primary Source Collection in 1-2 sentences.
- Organize & integrate all your team members' Primary Source Reports to express how your “hard history” theme showed up in each of your historical primary sources, from the earliest through the statistic in 2-4 pages with MLA in-text citations, and an MLA formatted Works Cited.
- Based on your research, bullet any significant efforts (historical and/or recent) to raise awareness of, or repair, the injustice of the “hard history” of your Collection’s theme. (This can include the work of your Collection’s “hidden hero”)
- Re-watch from 11:08-13:42 in Dr. Hasan Kwame Jeffries's TEDx talk. This link opens in a new window
- Bullet any ideas your team has to raise awareness of, disrupt, or repair the continuum of “hard history” reflected in your Collection.
- Bullet any intriguing, unanswered questions relevant to your Collection’s “hard history.”
Once you complete the Team Final Report, save it, and upload it to Brightspace.
A sample Team Final Report is is available to view below.