FYS-101 (Campus) Information Literacy Lessons 2023-24
Participate in SNHU Undergraduate Research Day!
What is Undergraduate Research Day?
All students (individually or in teams) are encouraged to submit research projects to SNHU's Undergraduate Research Day (URD) held the first Wednesday of April every year celebrating student work across campus including independent and course-based research projects, posters, video/online games, films, artwork, engineering projects, Makerspace projects, etc. Students may present individual or group, class-based, internship-based, or original independent research projects in any discipline at Undergraduate Research Day.
Your FYS Final Team Project is an ideal one to share at Undergraduate Research day in April!
When is Undergraduate Research Day?
The 2024 SNHU Undergraduate Research Day will be held Wednesday, April 3, 2024.
How do I Participate?
- To participate, click on the link below and fill out the form.
- Explain your research project in 250 words or less where asked in the form.
- You will need to select a "mentor" which for FYS might best be your FYS instructor, so be sure to ask them and add their name and contact on the form.
- On URD on April 3rd, you and your FYS group may present your research in one of two ways: Do a 15 minute presentation about your FYS research to other students and faculty who attend (perhaps like your Expert Panel Presentation you did in class) OR create a Poster and share it at the Poster Session with anyone who stops to ask you questions about it.
2024 UGR Day Proposal Link:
- Individual Early Entry Proposals due: Friday, December 8, 2023
- Individual Proposals due: Friday, February 23, 2024
- Faculty Proposals (course-embedded research) due: Friday, March 8, 2024
You may submit your FYS research proposal any time up through February 23, 2024.
What are the Benefits of Participating?
- Each year that you participate you will be given different colored cords to wear on your graduation day, unless you participate three or more years in which you will be given a stole to wear at graduation.
- You may submit your project to the Undergraduate Research Day Conference Proceedings in the SNHU Archive. This will provide you with a permanent link that you may add to your resume and LinkedIn. It may provide an excellent talking point with future employers!
- All UGR participants may apply for grants awarded by the SNHU Undergraduate Research Committee to conduct further research or to attend a conference such as the National Undergraduate Research Conference (NCUR) or other related project.
- All UGR participants are invited to a special evening reception with friends and family. The photo below is from the 2023 Undergraduate Research Day celebration.
We look forward to your participation in this special day celebrating students sharing their learning across campus!