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Shapiro Library Free & Fun Resources

Library staff share free and fun resources we have both in the library and that we've found around the web. Check them out!


This guide is designed to point you to resources to keep you connected to fun and free options to learn, take a break and relax. Resources are either available for free on the web or through Shapiro Library. Take a look at some of the things we are watching, using, or downloading to keep us engaged and busy!

logo of the SNHU shapiro library

Shapiro Streaming Video Databases

Shapiro's collections include streaming film resources. We've selected the resources we think will be the most interesting, including feature films, indie films, and documentaries. For a full list of Shapiro's Video databases, visit the A-Z Database list.

Shapiro Library eBooks

Learn a New Language!

With no sports or events to watch, try learning a new language using Mango Languages accessed through the Shapiro Library's A-Z Database List. They even have Pirate! Arrr Mateys!