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HIS 114 (Campus) - United States 1860 - 1945

Research guidance and support for HIS 114 U.S. History research assignments.

Recommended Databases

The Shapiro Library subscribes to many databases filled with scholarly articles, book chapters, research reports, statistics, and more. These are some of the recommended databases for historical research. For tips on searching within a database, see Search Tips. You can see a complete list of all the databases the library subscribes to on our A - Z Database List.

Historical Newspapers

Here is a selection of the Shapiro Library's databases containing archived newspapers. For more information, see How can I find archived newspapers? and How can I find local newspapers?

Publication Finder

If you want to search within a specific journal but you don't know which database to use to find it, you can use the Publication Finder This link opens in a new window. The Publication Finder is a searchable listing of all publications ( journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. ) that Shapiro Library subscribes to either in print or has full-text content available through a database subscription. Date ranges of full-text coverage and links to the respective database are included with each publication's record. 

You can find the Publication Finder by clicking on the "Find Articles, eBooks & More" menu on the library home page. For more information on using the Publication Finder, see How do I find a journal?