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HUM 100 - Perspectives in the Humanities

Research and information guide to support learning in HUM 100 - Perspectives in the Humanities by choosing a cultural work.

Guiding Questions for Choosing a Cultural Work

Cultural works are examples of human, artistic expression including literature, poetry, music, film, dance, painting, sculpture, and more. 

  • Is the thing culturally relevant?
  • Does the thing have a function beyond its initial purpose?
  • Is the thing a specific item (rather than a broad concept or group of things, flags, phone, etc.)
  • Is the thing personally relevant?
  • Are there academic resources available to support your project?

Background Research

Exploring encyclopedias and similar high-level sources can quickly catch you up on a topic and help you make choices about how to shape your research. Generally speaking, these sources aren't the type of source you want to cite, instead they provide needed context to design strong searches in later stages of your research.