Human Services
Suggestions to find and agency in your area
- To find a list of Human Services agencies in your area, conduct a Google search for your city and state and the phrase, "Human Services".
- Use the Yellow Pages online to search for local health and human services agencies in your area.
- Consult the list of national Health and Human Services agencies
Employment in the Human Services field
- On the left-hand side bar you will find a sample list of titles in the field of Human Services. Search a job title in the online Occupational Outlook Handbook from the U.S. Department of Labor to find a summary of the position, work environment, required education, job outlook, and state & area data.
- You may also consult the website from your local agency to find job postings in the field - see the "Find an agency in your area" box above.
- American Public Services Association - View the job list, narrow by function or state
- Electronic Book from SNHU: A Guidebook to Human Service Professions: Helping College Students Explore Opportunities in the Human Services Field by William G. Emener (2009)
- Electronic Book from SNHU: Careers in Human Services by Michael Shally-Jensen (2015)
Sample titles of Jobs in Human Services
(not comprehensive)
- activity director
- addiction counselor
- administrative program assistant
- admissions market analyst
- admissions - public relations director
- admissions recruiter
- admissions representative
- adolescent care technician
- adolescent chemical dependency counselor
- advertising trainee
- adviser - educator
- agency representative
- alcohol counselor
- alcoholism counselor
- alcoholism unit manager
- area administrator
- arena and sports facility instructor
- assistant residence manager
- assistant youth coordinator
- association manager
- behavior analyst
- camp staff director
- caretaker case tracking specialist
- case worker
- chemical dependency advocate
- chemical dependency coordinator
- chemical dependency counselor
- chemical dependency secretary
- chemical dependency technician
- child care counselor
- child care worker
- child development worker
- child protection worker
- college admissions representative
- community activist
- community correctional service worker
- community outreach coordinator
- community organizer
- community service
- coordinator community worker
- compliance officer
- consultant
- cottage treatment team
- counselor
- counselor aid counselor (drug)
- counselor/therapist
- county personnel officer
- crime prevention
- coordinator customer relations
- daily living aid
- day-care aid
- demonstration coordinator
- deputy juvenile probation officer
- developmental reading instructor
- development officer
- director of activity and recreation
- director of alumni relations
- director of day-care center
- director of displaced homemakers
- director of human services
- director of Indian education
- director of planned parenthood
- director of planning
- director of security
- director of youth service bureau
- drug counselor
- early childhood specialist
- education prevention specialist
- education daytime coordinator
- educational coordinator
- educational representative
- educational salesperson
- educational textbook representative
- employee assistance program specialist
- employee counselor
- employment counselor
- employment representative
- executive director
- field representative
- foster home parent
- grants coordinator
- group home coordinator
- group home counselor
- group home parents
- group leader
- group worker
- head of alumni affairs
- head of fund raising
- human relations director
- human services technician
- infant stimulation teacher specialist
- information referral specialist
- in-service director
- instructor
- instructor, handicapped adult program
- insurance agent
- interviewer
- investigator
- juvenile justice planner
- juvenile prevention program coordinator
- juvenile specialist living unit assistant
- mental health professional
- mental health unit manager
- neighborhood outreach worker
- occupational information developer
- park and recreation director patient service representative
- personnel analyst
- personnel coordinator
- personnel generalist
- private school representative
- probation officer
- professional worker program consultant
- program coordinator
- program director
- project learning instructor
- police training coordinator
- public information officer
- rehabilitation aid
- relief house parents
- research analyst/planner
- research assistant
- residence counselor
- resident aid
- resident caretaker
- residential assistant
- residential director
- residential service coordinator
- residential supervisor resource developer
- security officer
- social security adjudicator
- social security interviewer
- social service director
- social services supervisor
- social studies teacher
- social worker
- social worker coordinator
- statistical assistant
- student activities adviser
- substance abuse counselor
- supervisor support service manager
- task force coordinator
- temporary admissions clerk
- veteran's adviser
- volunteer coordinator
- work activity program director
- youth worker