ENG120 Information Literacy Adventure
What do the Experts Say?
Searching for Objective Information
So where might you look to find credible information? Head to the Shapiro Library Homepage to begin your research. For the activity below, you will develop relevant keywords about gun violence or your topic and type them into the Multi-Search box to find an article you think provides the most accurate and useful information. Don't forget what you learned from sifting earlier!
- Go to the Keyword Generator Tool and follow the steps for your topic. Stop when you see "Automatically search with your search terms." The links at the bottom go to the University of Texas' library resources.
- When you finish, type your search terms into the designated box on your poster template.
- Watch the short video below on how to use the Multi-Search on the Shapiro Library Home Page
- Type your search terms into the Multi-Search box one by one to see your results
- In the left margin, click "Peer Reviewed (Scholarly)" to narrow your results to research articles from academic journals
- Click on the magnifying glass on paper icon to the right of any title to read a summary (abstract) of the article
- Click on the title of the article that you find most informative & factual to be taken to the article's landing page where you can access the PDF Full Text, or HTML Full Text, or Link to Full Text, or Full Text Finder. Once you locate the full text of the article, download the PDF, or look for the option to email the article to yourself.
- Open the full text of the article and take a screenshot of it, and add it to your poster template
- On the article landing page, click on the "cite" icon in the right hand column of icons. A box with citations for the article in different formats will appear above the citation. Scroll until you see MLA on the left, then copy & paste the MLA citation into the box on your template. These are machine generated citations, so you will want to check them against the MLA Citation Guide by clicking on "Citing Your Sources" in the Quick Links box on the library home page, then clicking on MLA Style.
Library Orientation Video
The Shapiro Library has a wealth of resources, including books, ebooks, journal articles, newspaper articles, magazine articles, and much more. This brief orientation video will help you navigate our website and understand the tools and resources available to you.
Hit a dead end? Reach out to a librarian!
Click: "Chat 24/7 with a Librarian" button on the Shapiro Library Homepage
- Last Updated: Jan 14, 2025 9:08 AM
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