Justice Studies (Campus)
This guide is intended to help you identify and locate scholarly and non-scholarly resources (books, articles, etc.) on the subject of justice studies. On this guide you'll also find information on library services, research tips, career information, etc.
Sample Books: Peace & Conflict Resolution
The following books are a sample of our library books and eBooks on the subject of peace & conflict resolution. For more books and eBooks please search the Library Book Search or ask a librarian for help.
Time for Peace by Luc Reychler This link opens in a new window
Call Number: Available OnlineISBN: 9780702253379Publication Date: 2015-10-01The Contemporary Conflict Resolution Reader by Hugh Mialle et al. This link opens in a new window
Call Number: HM1126 .C66 2015ISBN: 9780745686769Publication Date: 2015-01-27Creativity and Conflict Resolution by Tatsushi Arai This link opens in a new window
Call Number: HM1126 .A73 2009ISBN: 9780415472760Publication Date: 2009-08-25Peace Philosophy and Public Life: Commitments, Crises, and Concepts for Engaged Thinking by Gail M. Presbey and Greg Moses This link opens in a new window
Call Number: Available OnlineISBN: 9789042038059Publication Date: 2014-01-01Peacebuilding and Reconciliation by Marwan Darweish This link opens in a new window
Call Number: Available OnlineISBN: 9780745332888Publication Date: 2012-09-06
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