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COM 340 (Campus) - PR Writing

This guide will help you identify and locate the resources (books, articles, etc.) that you will need for COM340.

American Factfinder Activity

Think about a product/service that would be of interest to college-aged students. To market the product in your home town, use the American Factfinder online search tool to find the number of people aged 18 to 24 living there according to the Census Bureau’s 2010 statistics or 2015 Community Survey.

My Home town: _____________________ (International students use: Manchester, NH)

Number of People Aged 20 to 24: _______________________

What other Census data about your hometown would help shape your product/service?

Group Activity

Get into 4 groups. Your group will be assigned one of the following prompts. Use the resources we looked at today to answer the questions and make recommendations:

  1. Who buys iPhones vs. Android phones? What are the demographics of Smartphone buyers – are they students, young professionals, middle aged men, etc.?

  2. Who goes to the movies? What is an average ticket price?

  3. Is credit card use in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire above or below average? 

  4. What are the demographics for the audience that attends minor league baseball games?  What social media do they use to follow sports?