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MKT 265 - Social Media and Marketing Communications

This guide was developed for MKT 265 students to help identify Shapiro Library resources for use in their course assignments and project.

Searching for Advertisements

Reference Books

The One Show - Circulation Collection: HF 5816 .O5 Oversized

Directory of Advertisers – REF HF 5805 .S7 2012

TV Dimensions 2011 – REF HF 6146 .T42 T8 2012

Magazine Dimensions 2011 – REF HF 6105 .U5 M23 2012

Intermedia Dimensions 2011 - REF 5813.U6 I58 2012

National TV ACES - REF HF 6146 .T42 N38 2012

Internet Advertising 3.0 - REF HF 6146 .I58 I582 2010

Standard Rate and Data Service ( SRDS ) REF HF 5905 .S7_ _

TV Ratings

Other Forms of Advertising

Spending on Advertising

Reference Book Content Samples

Calculating Newspaper Ad Cost

SRDS frequently provides cost information for newspaper advertisements by the "column inch." To determine the number of column inches first count the number of columns your advertisement is wide (Most newspapers have a total of 6 columns on a page. Smaller format papers and tabloids might be 5 columns wide). Next get a ruler and measure the height of your ad. The example below is 5 columns wide and 18 inches tall. Multipy these two numbers to get the column inches: 5 X 18 = 90 column inches.

Photography of newspaper page with red text showing five columns and 18 inch height

5 columns X 18 inches = 90 column inches

Next determine the cost per column inch of your newspaper under the "Rates and Policies" section of the paper's entry in SRDS. Note that there may be discounts available for running multiple ads and upcharges for features such as color, inclusion in the Sunday paper, or placement of the ad in a certain section of the paper. Below is the information for the New Hampshire Union Leader.

Screenshot of web page showing ad prices for the New Hampshire Union Leader

90 column inches X $51.15 per column inch

+ $725.00 for full color = $5,328.50

Assuming that the advertiser above did not get a discount rate they would have paid $51.15 per column inch plus the cost of color to run this ad one time. The full cost is 90 column inches times $51.15 per column inch plus $725.00 for full color (3 c = 3 color printing). 90 X $51.15 + $725.00 = $5,328.50 to run this ad once.