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Social Sciences in the Commons

This guide is designed to support students taking social sciences courses in the Commons

A crowd of protesters

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Selected Social Issues

Social issues have an impact not only on individuals but also on communities and larger groups. It's worth noting that a social issue doesn't have to affect everyone or even a majority of the population. Even if it affects a minority group, it still qualifies as a social issue. 

Today, we can see many modern social issues that spur public debate. Climate change, or global warming, is one such issue. Although a significant percentage of the population still denies the existence of this problem, most people acknowledge it as a serious social issue. However, even among those who accept the existence of climate change and global warming, there are varying opinions on what causes it, its nature, and potential solutions to address this critical issue that affects our planet. 

Social issues are not confined to nation-state borders or just American culture. In fact, today, many social issues are felt on a global scale. Here are some prominent social issues that are currently impacting the globe: 

  • Homelessness
  • Hunger
  • Food insecurity
  • Healthcare
  • Civil rights
  • Access to education
  • Sustainable development
  • Migration
  • Religious freedom
  • Biodiversity loss
  • Species extinction
  • Gender equality

Here are a few resources to help you identify social issues and learn more about them: