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Accessibility Information

If a user is experiencing a barrier to accessing library resources for research, how can they get help?

The Shapiro Library contracts with many 3rd party vendors to supply access to resources for our community. Although we test and plan for issues when contracting and working with our vendors, there will be times that users will experience issues when using the vendor platforms and specific resource formats. 

Reach out to the library immediately and describe the issue or type of barrier you are experiencing. The library staff member can use their knowledge and the specific resources from the database providers to help in the moment. If the library staff member cannot successfully navigate the barrier with the user, they will reach out to other library staff to further assist the user and for the issue to be assessed. Individual appointments will be scheduled with the user and other SNHU teams if necessary. The Library will also follow up with the database vendor/provider to seek to understand the barrier encountered and create a plan to fix the issue.