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MBA - Master of Business Administration

A-Z Database List

The Library offers access to over 300 databases, featuring a wide range of content—like full-text articles, eBooks, reports, videos, statistics, and market/industry analysis. Keep in mind that Multi-Search does not cover everything, so be sure to check out the A-Z Database List to explore all available resources. Depending on your research topic or the type of information you need (such as videos or market reports), specific databases might be more useful. These databases are provided through subscriptions from various vendors.

The A-Z Database List is a complete list of all of the library's databases, where you can view all the databases alphabetically, search for a database by title, or use the three drop downs on the A - Z Database List to search for databases by subject, type, or vendor. Wave over the icons next to each database for more information about each one.

Watch the video below for an overview of the A-Z Database List and how to identify the databases that will work best for your research.

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