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Graduate Student Research Guide

Appropriate for all SNHU graduate students or individuals conducting research for graduate or scholarly papers with Shapiro Library resources.

Tools for Taking Notes

Tools for taking notes can help you record, organize and manage notes for class and projects. Try one of the following tools for taking notes:

Flash Card Makers

Flash card makers can help you organize and keep track of notes or presentation topics, study vocabulary, math, etc. and more. Try one of the following flash card makers:

Assignment Calculators

Assignment calculators can help you organize and keep track of your assignments. Try one of the following calculators:

More Tools

Use the links below to find technology tools and other resources to use in presentations, group projects, and more:

Most tools and resources provided here are free or include a free trial.

The intention of this page is to help SNHU students, faculty, and staff find tools and resources to help them in presentations, group projects, etc. Most tools and resources provided here have not been thoroughly tested or evaluated by a librarian--it is up to the student, faculty, or staff member to determine if tools and resources provided here are appropriate for academic use. Those resources that librarians have tested, evaluated, and recommend for use are marked by a Star icon.