SNHU Academic Archive
Can I put published articles in the Academic Archive?
Yes, in most cases.
Some points to keep in mind:
- Publishers often will only allow the author's copy of the article to be archived
- Often, an embargo period must pass before the article can be made public
- When there are multiple authors, only one author needs to grant permission for posting the article
The library can help you determine what guidelines your article's publisher requires you to follow.
Participating in the SNHU Academic Archive
What types of items will be accepted?
Articles (both published and unpublished), working papers, presentations, poster sessions, approved student work, and archival materials are all types of resources that can be included.
Currently, the Academic Archive houses faculty papers from several programs throughout campus; theses and dissertations from the Community Economic Development, MFA, and International Business programs; the McIninch Gallery, university yearbooks and course catalogs, and publications including the VPAA Journal and The Observer.
Who has access?
Virtually all resources in the Academic Archive are available for anyone in the world to view.
How do I submit resources?
We try to make the submission process as easy as possible. Contact Chris Cooper at or ext. 2160 to discuss what types of resources you might wish to include. Scanning services are available, but electronic files are preferred.
Why should I put my work (or my students' work!) in the Academic Archive?
The Academic Archive increases the visibility and accessibility of resources while also preserving the content.
Benefits include:
- All your research, both published and unpublished, can be accessible from one place
- Greater access, accessibility to your research
- Google search
- Multi-Search users
- Resources no longer get lost on the web
- Each resource is assigned a perpetual link
- No more 404 errors
- Files are managed for long-term preservation
- File formats migrated if/when needed
- Routine backups on internal and external systems
- Copyright verification service
- Library will ensure to the best of our knowledge that the resource does not violate any copyright or license agreements
- Resources become available quickly
- Files can be made available immediately