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IDS 402 - Wellness

Course guide to assist students with research in IDS 402.


If you were researching food production in the United States through the Humanities lens, you would think about how this topic relates to or has impacted human action or work. Consider the following questions that are reflective of humanities centric thought:

  • How as art been influenced by food production? Looking at items like the iconic Campbell's soup can art by Andy Warhol for example.
  • What does McDonald's golden arches represent? Could we look at the video, art and jingles that have been used to advertise and market our food?
  • What do films like Super Size Me  This link opens in a new window and Food, Inc.  This link opens in a new window  (linked below) tell us about our society and culture as it relates to art and this issue?

1941 Food Ad, Quaker Puffed Wheat & Puffed Rice "Sparkies" with "Vitamin Rain". This advertisement shows how companies were trying to market their items based on what was important during that time, which was a concern of a lack of vitamin nutrition.

Suggested Databases

The list of databases below are some options that you can look through for topics related to food production and the humanities. Before searching, let's strategize on constructing a few example searches.

Keywords and search strings might include:

  • food production AND art
  • food AND production AND United States AND film
  • culture AND food AND United States