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BUS 225 - Critical Business Skills for Success

This course will set you up for success for all your developing business skills.

Consumer Demands

Consumer demands on product and service features are measured in a number of ways, including surveying current or potential customers and the monitoring of industries and trends by analysts.

Mintel Academic

Mintel Academic combines quantitative date from proprietary consumer surveys with qualitative discussion by professional analysts. Reports can be browsed by category, or you can search by keywords related to your industry. You may encounter multiple reports that touch on specific aspects of your industry.

Within a report, the interactive Databook will provide you with proprietary data on consumer behaviors. This section generally includes data on attitudes, preferences, or product or service attributes that help identify consumer demands. 

In the "Brand/Company" area, the "What's Happening" and "What's Next" sections can provide insight into emerging trends.

Watch the video below for an overview of the Mintel database:


WGSN is known for its focus on the fashion industry, but its analysts also track and provide qualitative insights on a range of consumer preferences. For example, if you wanted to find automotive reports you can do so using the following steps:

  1. At the very top of the page, click the link for Interiors from that top navigation menu. 
  2. Click on Interior Design from the new menu that appears and select Transport & Mobility from the dropdown options. 
  3. You should now see 50 reports at the top and several of them mention automotive.