Open Educational Resources (OER)
This guide is intended to provide SNHU faculty/staff information and support in researching open educational resources and copyright/licensing.
If you have any questions, or if you would like more information, please contact:
Ellen Phillips - Director, Open Educational Resources & Intellectual Property, (603.652.1900)
License Information
All original content in this guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 This link opens in a new window International License. 3rd-party content including, but not limited to images and linked items, are subject to their own license terms.
Webinars & Training
- CCCOER Webinar Archive This link opens in a new windowSearch archived CCCOER webinars on various OER topics.
- D2L Leveraging OER to Empower Students Webcast This link opens in a new windowAvailable on Demand: This webinar will focus on how students can use OER. Specifically, how students can utilize OER to take charge of their own learning.
- OER 101 This link opens in a new windowFaculty training course is built around a simple goal: Faculty interested in incorporating open educational resources (OER) into their class will be able to locate appropriate OER for their subject area of expertise using the Open Textbook Library and the Creative Commons search engine.
- Open Washington's How to Use OER Workshop This link opens in a new windowSelf-paced course; walks you through techniques to incorporate OER into your teaching practice. The course will cover the fundamental aspects of OER including open licensing and public domain. It focuses on providing practical guidance in locating and applying openly available resources.
For Librarians
OER: A Field Guide for Academic Librarians by Andrew Wesolek (Editor); Anne Langley (Editor); Jonathan Lashley (Editor) This link opens in a new window
ISBN: 9781945398797Publication Date: 2018
Interactive Open Educational Resources by John D. Shank This link opens in a new window
Call Number: ZA4228 .S53 2014ISBN: 9781118419670Publication Date: 2013