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New Hampshire Literary Hall of Fame

Information about the New Hampshire Literary Hall of Fame and honorees.

Robert Frost

portrait of Robert Frost

Works by Robert Frost

Books by Robert Frost Available at Shapiro Library (selected)

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Criticism and Interpretation: Books and Articles (selected)

Fraser, R. (1998). Frost in the Wasteland. Sewanee Review, 106(1), 46.

Thompson, Robert B. "Frost's Accidentally on Purpose." The Explicator (Winter 1978): 17. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Vol. 13. Detroit: Gale, 1980.Literature Criticism Online. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.

Warren, R. P. (1983). The Themes of Robert Frost (1947). In J. C. Stine & B. Broderick (Eds.), Contemporary Literary Criticism, (Vol. 26). Detroit: Gale. (Reprinted from Selected Essays, pp. 118-136, 1958, Random House).

Dissertations about Robert Frost (selected)

Altman, J. (2014). Behind His Father's Saying: Robert Frost's Wisdom Tradition (Order No. 3631682). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (1566477590).

Frank, J. M. (2010). Robert Frost: Democracy, Teaching, and Teacher Education (Order No. 3420725). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (749779073). 

Hoffman, T. B. (1995). Sounds of Sense: The Rhetoric of Robert Frost (Order No. 9525099). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (304217646).

Mauro, J. I. (1992). "The Gaps I Mean": A Study of Robert Frost's Poetry (Order No. 9310270). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (303994107).

Schulhof, S. A. L. (1980). Robert Frost: A Study of Marriage in his Life and in his Poetry (Order No. 8120511). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (302953125).  

Sovak, A. T. (2011). Reading Nation and the Poetry of Robert Frost (Order No. 3460612). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (878538590).

Biographies (selected)

Frost, Robert (1874-1963), An Introduction to. (2010). In L. J. Trudeau (Ed.), Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism (Vol. 236). Detroit: Gale. 

Frost, Robert. (2013). In The Columbia Encyclopedia. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. 

Johnson, Sarah (2007). Frost, Robert, 19874-1963. Literature Online Biography. Literature Online.