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New Hampshire Literary Hall of Fame

Information about the New Hampshire Literary Hall of Fame and honorees.

Donald Hall

Works by Donald Hall

Open the pdf below for a list of works by Donald Hall that was compiled by the Center for the Book at the NH State Library.

Books by Donald Hall Available at Shapiro Library (selected)

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Criticism and Interpretation: Books and Articles (selected)

Cramer, J. S.(1998). With Jane and Without: An Interview with Donald Hall. Massachusetts Review, 39(4). 493.

Edwins, J. A. (2001). Working Against the Sadness: Personal Loss and Poetic Healing in the Poetry of Jane Kenyon, Donald Hall, Raymond Carver, and Tess Gallagher. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. 

Hilbert, E. (2011). Donald Hall: An Interview. American Poetry Review, 40(3), 17-20.

Makuck, P.(2011). Donald Hall: Exile and the Kingdom. Sewanee Review 119(1), 139-149. The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Michael, Cart,. "America's New Laureate.Booklist 102.22 (1 Aug. 2006). Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Jeffrey W. Hunter. Vol. 240. Detroit: Gale, 2007. Literature Criticism Online.

Rector, L. (2001). About Donald Hall. Ploughshares, 27(2/3), 270.

Biographies (selected)

Hall, Donald, 1982- (2010). Literature Online Biography.

Hall, Donald (1928-), An Introduction to. (2006). In M. Lee (Ed.), Poetry Criticism (Vol. 70). Detroit: Gale. 

Howard, W. (2001). Donald Hall 1928-. In E. Haralson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of American Poetry: The Twentieth century. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.