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MKT 270 and MKT 300 - Professional Selling

This research guide organizes the Shapiro Library resources that are relevant in locating business and company information through which quality partnerships and developing relationships can be built in regard to sales strategies.

Recommended Databases

The Shapiro Library subscribes numerous databases filled with scholarly articles, book chapters, research reports, statistics, and more from thousands of respected publications. The following is a list of some of the best database for doing research on the subject of company information:

Nonprofit Organizations

Using Emma

  1. Click on “Advanced Search” in the blue bar below the EMMA logo at top left
  2. In the search area there is a State pull-down. Select the appropriate state
  3. In the search area there is an Issue Description search box. Enter terms related to the name of your hospital. Abbreviations are sometimes used in bond descriptions, so try using as few words as possible in this search.
  4. Click the green “RUN SEARCH” button at top right.
  5. Your results list will show a list of bonds. Look at the “Security Description” column and look for recent bonds that include your organization’s name in the title. You can use the arrows next to “Maturity Date” or “Dated Date” to help sort to recent bonds if there are a number of them.
  6. Click on the “Security Description” of a bond you are interested in. You will be brought to a details page.
  7. Scrolling down will bring you to an area with tabs for “Trade Activity,” “Ratings,” “Disclosure Documents,” etc. Click on the “Disclosure Documents” tab.
  8. You will see a variety of disclosure information including “Quarterly / Monthly Financial Information” and “Audited Financial Statements or CAFR.”