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Getting Started with Research at Shapiro Library

This guide discusses understanding information sources, formulating a topic and search phrase, where and how to search the library for information, how to evaluate sources, how to cite sources, and more.

Writing Help - General Information

Getting Started

  • Read your assignment carefully.
    • What are you being asked to do? Is it an informational essay? Are you writing a persuasive essay?
  • Read the rubric or other grading notes thoroughly.
    • You could lose points by not addressing key items listed in the rubric.
  • Think about your topic:
    • Were you assigned a topic?
    • Do you have an open-ended prompt?
    • Do you need to develop your own topic based on your career choice?
    • Is your topic too narrow or too broad?
    • If it's a persuasive paper assignment, is your topic arguable/debatable?
  • Proofread your paper. You can always ask a classmate to peer-review or reach out to the Wolak Learning Center or Academic Support for more help.
    •  Read your paper aloud to help catch any errors.

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