Career Resources
Networking & Social Media
Hearing about jobs, being recruited for positions, and applying for jobs are all possible through networking and social media. Explore these resources to learn how to use networking and social media to your advantage:
LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network dedicated to helping individuals maintain a list of connections. LinkedIn is a social networking tool that allows you to strengthen and extend your network of professional contacts. It is a tool that helps you exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with a broader network of professionals, leading you to career success.
SNHU has a site license to LinkedIn Learning which can be used by students, faculty, and staff for professional development. There are over 17,000 courses to explore on a variety of subjects with more being added weekly! You can access this site at the link below.
You may also want more information about all of the facets of using LinkedIn! Take a look at the free course linked below that goes through everything from creating a profile and building your network to searching for jobs and customizing your feed!
SNHU Social Media and Networking Sites
Below you find links to SNHU's social media pages devoted to career development and networking.
- SNHU Career Advisory Network This link opens in a new windowThe SNHU Career Advisory Network is an online platform comprised of alumni and professionals willing to provide career advice and support. Students and alumni can search for mentors by career community, major, job title, and employer to learn about career paths and connect with alumni in various industries.
Optimizing Your Online Presence
Before you start searching for jobs it's important that you evaluate your online presence. When you're being considered for a job, your future employers will search for you online--make sure they find all the things you want them to see and nothing you want to be kept private!
According to Business News Daily This link opens in a new window, "Despite what job candidates might think, most employers aren't scouring the internet looking for reasons not to hire them. Most employers are looking for reasons to hire someone. A CareerBuilder study This link opens in a new window found that 58% of employers conduct social screenings to look for information supporting a candidate's qualifications for the job – 50% want to ensure the candidate has a professional online persona, and 34% want to see what other people are posting about the candidate. Just 24% of those surveyed check social media to search for reasons not to hire someone."
Start by Googling yourself and creating a professional online presence for your future employers to find. Check out these web resources for more information:
- Keep It Clean: Social Media Screenings Gain in Popularity This link opens in a new windowThis practical article from Business News Daily gives concrete advice to job-seekers regarding their online presence.
Books about Networking
The following books are a sample of our library books and eBooks about networking. For more books and eBooks please search the Library Book Search or ask a librarian for help.
Networking for People Who Hate Networking, Second Edition by Devora Zack This link opens in a new window
Call Number: Available OnlineISBN: 9781523098538Publication Date: 2019LinkedIn by Lori Ruff; Joe Frankie; Lana Khavinson (Foreword by) This link opens in a new window
Call Number: Available OnlineISBN: 9781642794557Publication Date: 2019
Are you an online student who can't get to the library in person? Request a print book be mailed to you!