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Hit a dead end? Reach out to the library!

Time to expand your database knowledge!

The library subscribes annually to over 300 databases (the Multi-Search tool searches about half of these) which can be accessed individually using the A-Z Database List in the "Quick Links" box on the Shapiro Library home page. Some databases specialize in one kind of information, for example: newspapers, controversial issues, videos, or statistics. Below are 4 scavenger hunt questions, one for each of 4 different types of databases. Information in the databases needs to be evaluated like all other sources... remember to SIFT!

Your Task: Database Scavenger Hunt

Click on each of the four databases below and search to find the answer to the scavenger hunt question. Record your answers in the designated box on your poster template.

CQ Researcher This link opens in a new window

1. In the July 27, 2018 report on Gun Violence, what is the name of the "expert" who wrote the "Pro" side of the Pro/Con question "Would arming teachers make schools safer?"

Statista This link opens in a new window

2.What percentage of households in the United States owned one or more firearms in 2018?

Kanopy This link opens in a new window

3. Who was the director of the 2016 film "Behind the Bullet: Personal Perspectives on Gun Violence?"

NewsBank This link opens in a new window

4. Using the Map Search in NewsBank, how many news sources from the African continent are included in their database?

If you need more help learning how to use these databases, see the video tutorials, and help pages listed below:

CQ Researcher

What is it?

CQ Researcher This link opens in a new window is a great database for hot button issues, and it has a great pro/con feature that can help provide excellent resources for a persuasive essay. On the homepage, you can hover over Browse Reports to specifically find a listing of pro/con topics, or you can search using the box on the top right side. 


What is it? 

Statista This link opens in a new window is a database specifically designed to provide statistical data, often using charts, graphs, and infographics that make great visuals for presentations. 

Kanopy (Streaming Video)

What is it?

Kanopy This link opens in a new window is one of several video databases we subscribe to. Here you can find films & documentaries about important issues that can help strengthen your argument or help with a presentation. Other video databases available include Academic Video Online This link opens in a new windowSwank This link opens in a new windowFilms on Demand This link opens in a new window, and Sage Video This link opens in a new window. With most of these video databases, you may create your own short clips to embed into your PowerPoints or presentations. They also provide written transcripts so you can copy & paste quotations accurately. Click on their logo below to visit their help page.

Kanopy logo

NewsBank (Access World News)

What is it?

NewsBank This link opens in a new window is one of several newspaper databases we subscribe to. Here you can find news articles from all over the world, as well as local New Hampshire news sources right on the home page. Other newspaper databases available include New York Times (Historical) - ProQuest This link opens in a new windowNews & Newspapers - ProQuest This link opens in a new windowNewspaper Source - EBSCO This link opens in a new window, and Wall Street Journal, Eastern Edition - ProQuest This link opens in a new window. When researching events from around the world, it can be enlightening to see how different countries report the same incident. College newspapers are also available in NewsBank! Click on the NewsBank logo below to see a list of video tutorials on how to use NewsBank.

NewsBank logo


To find individual databases: 

  • Go to the Shapiro Library Homepage
  • In the Quick Links box, click on the A-Z Database List
  • Click on the letter in the alphabet across the top as a shortcut to get to each database
  • Click on the box that says "All Subjects" above left of the alphabet, and scroll down to the subject you are researching to get a small list of databases with that subject content in them

Answers to the Database Scavenger Hunt questions:

1. Dean Rieck​   2. ​43%   3. Heidi Yewman  4. 643