NUR 440 - Research and Evidence Based Practice
This Library Research Guide is to assist NUR 440 students in using nursing databases, learning about EBP and to assist with the course project. Evidence-based practices, research, scholarly articles, APA citation, levels of evidence, PICO, PICOT
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According to Suresh (2014) there are many uses for statistics in health science including but not limited to: normal and not normal determinations in context of health and illness, accuracy of diagnostics, planning of experiments and analysis of results, observations on history related to a disease, assessment of treatment protocol and care/treatment interventions and compilation of population health statistics (p.383). Below are resources that can help you learn about the use and method of data collection for statistics within nursing.
Source: Suresh, S. (2014). Nursing research and statistics. Retrieved from
SPSS 24 Basics Video Tutorials via Atomic Learning
- SPSS 24-BasicsYou will be asked to sign in to the database using your SNHU email and password.
- eBook Chapter: Statistics in Nursing Research and StatisticsSection of the Nursing Research and Statistics ebook which includes and introduction to statistics, descriptive statistics, normal distribution and measure of relationship, inferential statistics and application of statistics in health and uses of computer in statistics
- eBook: Introductory Statistics for Health and Nursing Using SPSSThis book assumes no knowledge of SPSS or statistics, and starts by describing features of data before introducing SPSS and then combines the two with data entry and management. As background to the research process, study designs and the concepts of samples and populations are explained and illustrated using published literature. his book continues by describing the statistical techniques and tests commonly taught to students of nursing and other health related disciplines — both undergraduate and postgraduate. It gives examples of how each technique and test is carried out using SPSS.
- eBook: Statistics for Advanced Practice Nurses and Health ProfessionalsThis comprehensive, graduate-level text for advanced practice nurses and other health care professionals provides state-of-the-art tools that facilitate the reading and interpretation of clinical research articles that use increasingly complex statistical techniques. It addresses clinically relevant topics in biostatistics beyond the usual introduction to linear models, such as survival analysis and evaluation of screening tests
Research for Advanced Practice Nurses by Beth A. Staffileno (Editor); Marcia Pencak Murphy (Editor); Susan Buchholz (Editor)
Call Number: Available OnlineISBN: 9780826151322Publication Date: 2021Focused specifically on the APRN role in implementing evidence-based practice in the clinical environment The fourth edition of this award-winning text--written specifically for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) and students devoted to scholarly investigation--describes essential ways to implement Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and quality improvement skills into practical application. Step-by-step instructions walk the reader through the process of finding relevant evidence, appraising it, translating it into practice to improve patient care and outcomes, and disseminating it. This text delivers expert guidance on designing questionnaires and data-collection forms, and on analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. The authors also offer guidelines for evaluating research articles and a variety of EBP activities and protocols demonstrating how to integrate EBP into multiple clinical settings relevant to all APRN practice domains. New to the Fourth Edition: New chapter on Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) includes information on models, processes, and tools New chapter filled with examples of APRN-led initiatives showcasing improved processes and health outcomes resulting from EBP and quality improvement (QI) projects Expanded literature reviews including integrative and other types of literature reviews beyond systematic review Increased focus on Doctor of Nursing (DNP) competencies and QI Key Features: Helpful in achieving hospital Magnet(R) status Integrates EBP concepts related to patient care Examples highlight application of evidence into practice Describes strategies for establishing and sustaining an organizational evidence-based practice Discusses issues of costs and ethics from EBP perspective Purchase includes digital access for use on most mobile devices or computers