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IDS 401 - Global Society

Course guide developed specifically for IDS 401 to help support the research of this course, specifically in the final projects.

Topic Examples

There are some types of topics that may not be appropriate for the work in this course. Review the following examples of topics to better understand the topic selection process.  

Topic 1: The affects of international shipping on the environment

Good choice or poor choice? This topic is a good fit for this course because it addresses an activity that is a significant part of the globalization process. It also involves communication across many national boundaries. In addition, it discusses environmental issues that are a part of our global society, rather than being specific to the needs of one nation. 

Topic 2: Lack of access to healthcare because of poverty or homelessness within the United States

Good choice or poor choice? This topic is a poor fit for this course because it only addresses the U.S. healthcare system. It does not address global concerns. In addition, the healthcare system within the United States is unique to itself; it is not a globally consistent experience and examining it does not encourage an understanding of global society.