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COM 310 (Campus) - Social Media

This guide is a companion to Professor Boroshok's COM 310 course to guide students through the social media marketing plan project for their selected nonprofit organization.

Measurement & Analysis

Depending on the social media platforms selected for the client, corresponding metrics will need to be outlined to determine the effectiveness of the time and resources spent marketing via each platform, and to establish benchmarks for your proposed social media campaign.

Social Media Metrics/KPIs for Benchmarking

Most social media platforms supply metrics to assess usage (clicks, likes, shares, etc.) and you will be asked to establish KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for your clients. You will learn about these in your course materials. Here are some potentially helpful sources:

Major Social Media Platform Metrics Tools

Social Media Management Tools - Metrics/Analytics features


List of 7 steps to Social Media Benchmarking