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RN-BSN Library Guide

Use this Library Research Guide to help locate evidence-based resources including articles, information on research appraisal, statistics, evidence translation, clinical practice tools, informatics and professional resources.

How to research a PICO(T) question:

CINAHL or Multi-Search

Both CINAHL This link opens in a new window and Academic Search Ultimate This link opens in a new window have the PICOT guided search link enabled.

Click "PICOT" link to type in your PICOT keywords and synonyms.

Let us say your PICO question focuses on whether music therapy reduces the stress of premature infants. 

Fill out the PICO guided search with the appropriate keywords and synonyms like this:

Once you click Add to Search, it will populate the search box with your search terms and run the search. Make sure that you update your publication date if you can only use articles from the past 5 years. There is a publication date filter over on the bottom of the page. Select the year range you want, along with Peer-reviewed, and Full Text.

Nursing Journals on OVID

In addition to CINAHL, we also recommend that you run a similar search in Nursing Journals on OVID . It does not have a PICO guided search tool, but you can copy and paste the search string from your CINAHL search just like this and plug it into the OVID search box:

(premature infants OR preterm infants) AND (music OR sing* OR song) AND (anxiety OR stress)

Screenshot of the search page in the Nursing Journals on OVID

Google Scholar

Finally, take that same search string and try Google Scholar This link opens in a new window, which can be linked up to our library’s full text using the instructions in the FAQ How can I use Google Scholar to find electronic articles held by the Shapiro Library?. Just click the “FullText@ShapiroLibrary” link to go to the full-text courtesy of Shapiro Library.

Screenshot of Google Scholar PICO Search